ND Solutions is here!

I’m so excited to announce that I am officially launching self-advocacy coaching services here on my website for adults and kids who are neurodivergent. I bring my experiences working for Portland Public Schools and my own experiences as an autistic woman with ADHD into advocating for others who need help finding their voice and expressing themselves.

My services include an initial sit down to find out what supports you need and who you are trying to get them from (school district, employer, etc.). I will create a specialized self-advocacy package for your situation that will include everything you need to make your request. Next, we will review the package I’ve created together, reviewing what points really need to be stressed and how to get what you need from your organization or provider. I will also be available for a meeting afterward to discuss how things went, what was accomplished, and if further advocacy is needed.

If you are interested in learning more, contact me here. I’d love to help you, your kids, and your friends and family have the best outcomes possible by getting the support needed for navigating this world.


I interviewed an awesome YA author


Let’s Talk About Flow